Monday, November 7, 2011

My Favorite Book

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - By: Sherman Alexie

The author started the story by introducing his main character, who was a Native American teenager, named Arnold “Junior”, who was experimenting his first year in high school. Junior lives on the Spokane Indian Reservation, where he discovers that alcohol is more important to most residents than an education is. Junior decides to transfer to a better educated school named Reardan High, a white school. Everybody treated him differently, but junior stayed strong and kept working hard. He tries out for basketball so he could impress this girl, he makes the varsity team and eventually even becomes a starting player. Junior’s biggest challenge comes when he must play against his former basketball team from the reservation, whose star player is none other than Junior’s ex–best friend, Rowdy. They win the game and Rowdy stays made at him. This is when he realized he lost his closes friend for ever. 

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